Dirk Sliwka
University of Cologne

I am a professor of management in the Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne in the department Corporate Development. I am also senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, a research fellow at IZA and CESifo, and a member of C-SEB and ECONtribute.

My research focuses on designing effective Human Resource Management practices within firms and evaluating their impact on behavior, performance, and well-being. I am particularly interested in the design of incentives and performance management processes as well as the role of social norms in organizations.

My main research fields of interest are:
  • Organizational/Personnel Economics
  • Human Resource Management
  • Field Experiments in Firms
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Management Accounting

University of Cologne
Universitätsstraße 22a
D-50937 Köln